Saturday, April 10, 2010
WhAt i Am LiStEniNg tO....
Friday, April 9, 2010
aRtFeSt 2010 A pHoToGraPhiC ReViEw
Artfest 2010 was amazing as always! So good to see old friends and reconnect. It was good to recharge my artistic batteries as well. So much creativity and such a beautiful place, Ft Worden continues to be one of my favorite places in this world.
Visited friends in the Officers quarters for some chatting and wine drinking. This is like my 6th or 7th Artfest, I have lost track, and I all this time and I had never been in an officer's house. Wow! did it make my dorm room look pathetic. I think I may have been converted. Who want to share an officer's house next year?
So I have been spending hours playing around with Photoshop Elements relearning what I had forgotten because I don't use it very often and learning some new things. I also found some silly application to turn your photos into Polaroids... So on with the show
Artfest 2010 a Photographic Revue
Monday, April 5, 2010
NeW wOrK
Here is a look at some of the new works I have been making this spring. Most all was made with Artfest vending in mind, which was very successful (thank you to all my supporters) but plenty of pieces came home with me. Which I will hopefully get some more stuff up on my etsy shop and I will have a good start on pieces to take with me to the
University District Art Fair onMay 15th and 16th in Seattle, Wa.
I really am still very attached to the art doll form. It just has so many options and different techniques used in one creation. I am upcycling or recycling cheesy porcelain and plastic composite dolls I find at thrift stores. I am primarily using paint effects to age and texturize the dolls but I also have recently started using gut (sausage casings) to cover and in case the dolls as well and I am really liking the effect. I learned about gut from a great teacher and friend