Monday, May 18, 2009


So I always admire Cathy Cullis's mosaic mondays on her blog. I have found lots of inspiring amazing artists through her choices. But being a hands-on kind of girl I want to do it myself!! After several trys I think I made it work.. fingers crossed.. and thank you to all the amazing artists that share there work through Flickr.

1. travels - journal16, 2. queen bee and the angel, 3. What It Is To Be Human, 4. 017, 5. Les Fleurs de Versailles, 6. intent, 7. Blue and Green, 8. the sisters of perpetual road rage, 9. ballet at the crossing of the river styx, 10. The old symbol of the planet Earth has escaped !, 11. "eSpEcTRo" aka "cEraLiA", 12. He didn't deserve either one of them, 13. baby jesus, 14. 4 manly faces, 15. wip, 16. Pouty baby monster doll, 17. VOGELEMANSJE MAUWIE, 18. vogelemansje, 19. Carmen, 20. Voodoo Bunch, 21. horse, 22. Marinette, 23. Alicia, 24. sketch 365, day 9, 25. פסלי עיסת נייר 2 035, 26. hallowed tree south of Barrie, 27. Vintage Collage, 28. Stiched Flower Postcard, 29. pendants, 30. Josephine, 31. trio, 32. looking up, 33. Febrifuge (new title), 34. hospital, 35. Luna Parc 2008 (18), 36. Luna Parc 2008 (23)

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